February 2019 update

New features

  • LawFlow now attempts to detect and identify Word & Excel documents containing revisions (a.k.a. tracked changes or markup), embedded versions (obsolete feature in pre-Word 2007 documents), and hidden text (text with the specific ‘hidden’ setting applide). You can search for documents with these attributes detected, and the viewer displays a tip if you are viewing such a document. Reminder: as with all automatic document analyses, this feature depends on the compatibility/validity of the files and the ability of the system to accurately detect the attributes.
  • The upload page now shows upload speed and estimated time remaining.
  • Automatic detection of some file types for documents with missing file extensions. Occasionally, email attachments are incorrectly encoded with the result that they ‘lose’ their file extensions. LawFlow now attempts to auto-detect the file type for extensionless files of some common types.
  • Ability to search for documents with white-outs applied (using the built-in white-out tool).
  • A casebook can now be compiled into a single PDF file. Previously, each folder could be compiled to a single PDF. This new feature allows the entire casebook to be compiled, which is handy for printing.


  • Ability to customise bookmarks (using fields) in compiled PDFs.
  • Quick-search filter added to “resolve email address” page.
  • Ability to use LibreOffice/OpenOffice spreadsheet file (ODS) as mapping file.
  • Improved error messages for invalid mapping files.
  • Finding a document by internal ID (with @ prefix) using the “go to” function only shows exact matches.
  • Performance improvements.