If you have a list of document ID’s (e.g. production numbers), you can quickly gather those documents inside LawFlow by entering the document ID’s into the Add tray documents option as follows:
- Go to the Documents page.
- Click on the Tray category (in the left-hand pane) and ensure your tray is empty.
- Click on Options (in the centre pane) and then click on Add tray documents. Guy, I dont find Add tray documents very clear. I think Add documents to tray is a clearer description of what the option does. Maybe we could update that on the system?
- Choose to match on production numbers (or other number as the case may be).
- Paste the list of production numbers into the space provided (separated by commas or line breaks) and click Next.
All documents in your list will now be added to your tray for you to process however you wish.