Application of new discovery rules

The new High Court Rules (requiring electronic discovery and changing the relevance test, inter alia) came into force in February this year. Somewhat unusually, though presumably by design, they contained no transitional provisions. This has led to contention in some proceedings instigated prior to February 2012 over which rules apply.

The position appears to be as follows:

  • The previous rules apply to discovery being undertaken pursuant to orders in place prior to 1 February 2012: Premier Events Group Limited v Beattie [2012] NZHC 1025.
  • Unless the Court orders otherwise, the new rules applies to discovery ordered after the commencement of the new rules on 1 February 2012, regardless of when the proceeding was commenced: Karam v Fairfax New Zealand Ltd [2012] NZHC 887, paragraphs 135-136.
  • Where discovery has been completed but no inspection has occurred, the new rules relating to inspection, including the requirement of electronic exchange, will apply: McGechan on Procedure, HRPt8Subpt1.03.