As a New Zealand company, we regularly add new features and enhancements to LawFlow to meet local requirements based on feedback from our users. Here is a selection of the latest updates:
Easier creation of repositories
Repositories are used to group related documents in order to create separate document lists. They can be used to create logical divisions in document lists, for example if you want to list a particular group of documents together on a discovery list, then you can create a specific repository for that group of document.
It is now easier to convert an existing folder into a repository (and vice-versa), and create a new repository.
Separate prefixes/suffixes for each repository
Each repository can now have its own unique prefix and suffix for list numbering. For example, if you have two repositories, “ABC Ltd” and “XYZ Ltc”, you can assign separate prefixes to list numbers in each. E.g. ABC.0001 for one repository and XYZ.0001 for another. Or, if you want to divide your lists by issue, then each issue can have its own prefix.
Continuous list numbering
Previously, each repository would number documents starting at 1. This meant that if you set up two or more repositories, each Part 1 document list in each repository would start at number 1. Now, you can set repositories to continue numbering from a previous repository.
For example: you have two repositories, ABC and XYZ. The documents in the ABC repository lists run from ABC.0001 to ABC.0099. The XYZ repository can be set up to automatically continue numbering, so its documents will be numbered from XYZ.0100 onwards.
Custom list start number
You can now set a custom start number for document lists in each repository, if you do not wish to start at 1.
Optional Part 2 and Part 3 lists
By default, each repository creates a Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 list (corresponding to open, privileged and confidential documents under the High Court Rules). You can now optionally disable Part 2 and/or Part 3 lists for any given repository.
This can be useful, for example, when you do not wish to provide a list of privileged documents (Part 2 list) but instead wish to list privileged documents by group (which is expressly permitted under the rules). In such a case, you can disable the Part 2 list. This means that a Part 2 list will not be generated, and any Part 3 documents will continue numbering from Part 1.
More options for bulk-setting discovery information
Previously, LawFlow enabled bulk-setting of the discoverable, confidential and privileged fields. You can now bulk-set all discovery fields, including:
- Document type
- Date
- Author
- Recipient
More enhancements coming soon
These new features are available immediately to all users. Plus, more updates are coming soon, including a popular request from a number of users: the ability to add text to a redaction (for example, adding the word “Redacted” or “Privileged” to a redaction block).
If you would like to find out more about these features or arrange a demonstration of LawFlow, please contact us.